We have just boosted the tagging function in SendSteed.
Below are the new features:
1) You can now easily add a tag to people who have received, opened or clicked a particular broadcast you’ve sent.
See the quick demo below.

2) You can now send a broadcast to active subscribers WITHOUT certain tags.

3) You can now bulk delete tags.

How are these 3 new features are useful?
Let me give you an illustration.
Let’s say you want to send a broadcast to people who did not open a previous broadcast you’ve sent. (Why you want to do that? Because you do not want to resend the same email to those who have read it.)
Here are the steps to do it.
1) Add a tag to the contacts you do not want to send to.
In the broadcast manager, you have access to the list of people who have opened a particular broadcast (see arrow 1 below). Click on that.

Click ‘Add Tag to these emails‘ (see arrow 2 below).

Enter a tag name (see arrow 3 below). In most cases, just use the suggestion depicted by arrow 4.

Click ‘Add Now‘.
A tag will then be added to all the emails that have opened the broadcast.
2) Set up a new broadcast to exclude these contacts.
After you’ve tagged the contacts, proceed to add a new broadcast and set up the broadcast as usual (I’ll not go into the details here).
Under ‘Audience‘, set up the option in ‘Active, without Tags‘ (see the demo below).

Save the broadcast as usual.
The new broadcast will now send emails to people without the tag.
Bulk Delete Tags.
If you use the tagging function often, you will end up with a lot of tags in your contacts.
To delete useless tags, just go to the list and click the tag icon shown in arrow 1 below.

The system will automatically populate all existing tags in the list (see arrow 2).
Remove the tags you WANT TO KEEP. Then bulk delete (arrow 3) the remaining tags in the input area.
That’s it.
The above illustration is just one example.
You can add more tags and include other filtering options.
With the improved tagging function, you can now send broadcasts to more targeted audience.
Just getting better and better! Thank you.
Awesome stuff, have just to get my head around it!
For the benefit of all
Thank you i hop this works
Me too
Thanks, this was helpful.
Cool features thank you Kenneth
Wow perfect
Amazing platform, thank you!
Thank you, Kenneth! brilliant job you are doing.
A great addition to the platform.
Love it thank you soo much Kenneth woooot
Thank you. This will really help, especially so I’m not re-sending to those how have opened and only again to those who had not opened. Great features! Many Thanks!!!
Amazing, this is exactly what I was looking for – knew it was probably coming when you added tagging. Sendstead is really turning into the TOP AR around!
Trying this feature for the first time! Trying to catch up to all the new amazing things you have added. Now to learn more about the variables and how that works.