Over the past few weeks, we’ve received several feature requests for SendSteed List Manager. Today’s blog aims to update you on some of the major changes. 1) Local Signature Option Previously, you could set up a Global Email Signature (under the List Setup) and apply it to all Email Series and Broadcasts. But what if […]
Our Tutorial System Has Just Got Better!
As you probably know, our “Side-By-Side Tutorial” system is designed to provide real-time, step-by-step instructions that are displayed alongside your Member Area. This approach allows you to follow along without needing to navigate away from your current task. This is particularly beneficial for newcomers who may find it challenging to switch between different resources and […]
PDF Rebrander Update – No More Hosting Needed
In March, we launched a powerful tool called the PDF Link Rebrander, designed to help you and your leads maximize your affiliate marketing efforts. This tool allows your leads to easily rebrand your PDF with their affiliate links, download the customized PDF, and share it with others. However, we identified a significant challenge in this […]
SendSteed Tag Automation – Add Tag When Sent, On Open, and On Click
Recently, there have been more requests for Tag Automation. For those unfamiliar with SendSteed Tag, it allows you to add Tags to any subscriber. You can then send an Email Broadcast based on these Tags. Specifically, you can target broadcasts to those with certain Tags or without certain Tags. Previously, there were several ways to […]
Case Study: 199 Downloads In 1 Week
Last week, I received feedback from our veteran member, Edward Keyte, on our new tool – PDF Link Rebrander. (If you don’t know what it is, read this blog – [New Viral Tool] PDF Link Rebrander.) Here’s what he said, This PDF link rebrander is working so well. Already I’m getting a lot of downloads […]
[New Viral Tool] PDF Link Rebrander
I’m thrilled to announce that our new viral tool, the ‘PDF Link Rebrander‘ is now available! The concept of a PDF Rebrander is not new. In fact, we have our own rebrandable eBook called ‘One Signup A Day’. You can rebrand it with your own LeadsLeap affiliate link and give it away to promote your […]
Rotator Update – Start/End Date Option
Imagine you want to promote an offer that expires on next Friday. After next Friday, you will have to go to every traffic site and change the link to something else. But wait, perhaps there’s an easier way. How about using a Rotator where you can show the time-limited offer until next Friday and automatically […]