If you are new to search engine optimization and wondering what is the secret in getting top ranks in the search engines, the secret is link building. That’s not what I’m going to talk about today because I have talked enough in other search engine optimization tips in this blog. What I’m going to talk […]
Author: Kenneth (Admin)
Is Your Website Optimized For Conversion?
There is a lot of talk about how difficult it is to get good quality traffic to your sites but few people talk about what to do with that traffic once it hits your landing page. It seems crazy but it’s the truth, people have become so blinded by traffic that they forget to make […]
The Secrets Behind 1 Million Traffic A Day
About 2 years ago, I started a link building network called ezarticlelink.com. The basic idea of this network is that members set up an article directory in some of their websites, allow other members to post articles to it and they can do likewise. Fast-forward 2 years now, guess what…. The entire network of article […]
Reseller Hosting vs Shared Hosting – Which One Should I Get?
If you are searching for web hosting options, you may have compared reseller hosting vs shared hosting. Which one should you choose, if money is not an issue? I decided to write this article because I recently helped a client to set up a script, and notice that he, as a newbie, is using a […]
Viral Marketing Ideas And Examples – 7 Powerful Strategies
Recently I’m thinking of more viral marketing ideas and examples that I can use for my online businesses. As the saying goes, give and thou shall receive. Here I am giving you my best kept viral marketing ideas. If you’ve come across any others, feel free to share them in the comments below. 1. Organize […]
Read This Before You Start A New Online Business
What are the most important things to consider before you venture into a new online business? Is it the technical know-how? Or perhaps it’s the traffic strategies? In today’s blog, I’ll give you a checklist that you can refer to whenever you want to start a new online business. 1) Is the market easily targetable? […]
How To Promote A Niche Web Store
I was reviewing the comments in our blog and one reader asked for advice on how to advertise and get traffic to his niche web store. You can take a look at his website here or this screenshot to see how it looks like when this article was drafted. As I have always been saying, […]