Our Tutorial System Has Just Got Better!

As you probably know, our “Side-By-Side Tutorial” system is designed to provide real-time, step-by-step instructions that are displayed alongside your Member Area.

This approach allows you to follow along without needing to navigate away from your current task.

This is particularly beneficial for newcomers who may find it challenging to switch between different resources and their active projects.

However, there has been a limitation…

Some operations require page reloads or actions on different pages.

Previously, it was hard to follow the tutorial under such circumstances since the tutorial would reset with each page load.

But that’s in the past.

Introducing Tutorial Memory

Now, our tutorial system has memory!

If you follow particular tutorial instructions and need to navigate to another page or if the page reloads because you added a new item, the tutorial will automatically resume from where you last viewed.

This means you can truly follow the tutorial step-by-step without having to relocate the previous instruction.

For example, take the tutorial for adding a Track Link (see the demo below):

After adding a new link tracker, the page will reload to show the tracker. Notice how the tutorial resumes its position after the page reloads (at time 0:27), allowing you to continue from where you left off.

The improved tutorial system aims to make the process of learning and using the marketing tools more seamless and user-friendly.

We hope this improvement will make your experience with LeadsLeap even better.

We look forward to your feedback and hope you’ll enjoy the new features!

16 thoughts to “Our Tutorial System Has Just Got Better!”

  1. Thanks for another great update Kenneth. This will definitely make it easier to use the tutorials.

  2. Excellent, but can i cash out my earning without investing or upgrading? Please I need your answer, thank you

    1. Yes of course, i have cashed out even being a free member :) Thanks dear Admim, May Allah bless u always and give you a successful life.

      1. I love the simplicity of the platform and how the creator really cares about you and your success.

  3. How can we not love LeadsLead? It’s the perfect IM Tool with the BEST SUPPORT EVER!!! Kudos!

    1. The tutorial is available in the page builder too. It’s among the links at the top right of the page builder.

      If you have an active tutorial, the tutorial will open in the page builder at the last position too.

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