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visit-easy.com Review


Tags:  Traffic Exchange
5/51 vote
Last update: 2020-03-01
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Loratadine Shack
65 Followers   1 Review
Last Update: 2020-03-01
Visit-Easy is an autosurf with a unique funding model. Every other autosurf I have seen makes an income by selling upgrades or add-ons such as more credits or additional site slots. Visit-Easy doesn't charge for anything - in fact, it doesn't even have a page for making payments!

How does Visit-Easy make money? It runs a cryptocurrency miner in the surfbar. So whenever you are autosurfing, your navigator will be using about 20% of your computer's CPU power to mine, and the proceeds go to Visit-Easy.

As an autosurf, Visit-Easy is a system for exchanging web traffic. You can run a viewer in your browser (the surfbar) or via an Android app. This viewer will visit the web pages of other members, and in turn they will visit your sites.

Visit-Easy has 50 site slots, and they are automatically approved, becoming instantly active. As traffic control features, Visit-Easy lets you set the visit duration in 10 second increments, from 10 seconds to 5 minutes. There is an option for hiding the HTTP referer, to have your traffic from Visit-Easy appear as direct. Bounce rate reduction, which opens internal links in a another window to simulate engagement, is also available. One traffic control feature that Visit-easy lacks which can be useful is geotargeting.

There are no limits on how many instances of the viewer you can run, so long as they are on computers with different IP addresses. This theoretically allows gaining very large amounts of traffic, if you have enough IP addresses.

Visit-Easy also has a little game, where you can use some of your points to buy attempts at clicking on a grid. Some grid cells have hidden rewards consisting of points or more game tokens. Game tokens can also be earned by watching video ads on the Android program.

The main frustration with Visit-Easy is that it requires logging in to activate the surfbar. This means you can't just launch your browser with Visit-Easy as one of your startup tabs. You will have to log in and move through the menu and launch the viewer. This means you can't have a scheduler automatically stopping and restarting Firefox every couple of hours, which is helpful to avoid memory blowouts while autosurfing.

Visit-Easy is an interesting combination of unlimited viewer sessions, a large amount of auto-approval site slots and bounce reduction which is available together for free, due to the cryptocurrency mining funding model. If you are looking to spread a high volume of low-bounce traffic over many pages of a large site, Visit-Easy is the only autosurf I know of that can do that for free.

UPDATE 2020-02-29

I have learned that Visit-Easy stopped running their cryptocurrency miner in user's browsers last November 16th. So now the auto surfbar uses no more resources than any browser. Despite that, Visit-Easy continues to offer all features for free!

Also, after learning about my frustration about having to log in to run the surfbar, Visit-Easy has modified their system so the surfbar can be run from a surfing url. Now you can simply paste that link into any browser and start earning credits. I am impressed at the level of service and commitment to developing their system Visit-Easy has shown.
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