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smartdesktop.ai Review


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Last update: 2024-08-03
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Calvin Merrick
119 Followers   2 Reviews
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Last Update: 2024-07-26
My Experience With The Program So Far

My experience with the program has me hopeful and very excited! Here's why...

Smart Desktop AI is an advanced web-based application designed to streamline your business operations through the use of AI-driven email communication.

The system is relatively new and almost too good to be true. However, if everything pans out, this will blow up... In a good way.

I paid a one-time $20 fee to get started. This makes me eligible to earn $60 for each paid referral and $15 monthly recurring commissions.

I will also be receiving 50 email leads daily. That's 350 leads each week. Once I set up my campaign, the AI will send emails to these leads. It will also follow-up on any email recipient requests.

The current focus of SDAI is growing the user database. This is the reason for the 300% initial and recurring commissions.

What I Like

I like the low cost of entry with huge potential as a marketing tool and income generator. The 50 email leads per day translates into approximately 1,500 leads monthly and 18,000 per year.

What I Dislike

The suspense of waiting for the AI system to become fully functional.

Final Verdict

Because the entry cost is so low and the potential so high, I highly recommend Smart Desktop AI.
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Gordon Hunsucker
143 Followers   1 Review
Last Update: 2024-07-28
My experience with the program so far

I'm both hopeful and very excited about my experience with the program! This is why...

Smart Desktop AI is a cutting-edge it takes all the time consuming work out of like follow up and gives you more time in a positive way.

I paid the one time $20, making me eligible for earning $60 for each time I bring in personaly referals and $15 monthly recurring 2 levals deep.

Allso, I will recieve 50 emails a day, which is 350 leads a week. Then I set up my campaing, The AI will send welcome emails to the leads
and do all the follow up with them for me.

The focus will be on smart desktop AI building there user base.

What I Like

I Like most about it is receiving the 50 leads a day and AI doing most of the work. This will add up to around 1,500 leads a month and a total of 18,000 a year how cool is that.

What I Dislike

The anticipation of waiting for the AI system to become fully functional.

Final Verdict

I conclued that this is a great plan and a no brainer for cost invested.
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Pete Ade
1045 Followers   6 Reviews
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Last Update: 2024-07-31
My experience with the program so far

Since joining the Smart Desktop AI Marketing System, my experience has been nothing short of revolutionary. This AI-powered system seamlessly prospects, get leads, follows up on leads, recruits them and builds any business on autopilot.

From day one, I have seen firsthand how effortlessly it attracts prospects, follows up with a series of emails, and engages with them, seamlessly growing my business. This has significantly increased my earnings without any extra effort on my part.

It is a 100% set and forget system, all you have to do is to enter the link of of the business you are building, and the system takes over the job. You also have the possibility to upload your own leads and the system will start seeding messages to them.

The Smart Desktop AI (SDAI) Marketing System is a 24/7 Automated Marketing & Income POWERHOUSE! It gets you 50 Leads Per Day | 350 Leads Per Week - and ongoing. It has an unmatched affiliate commission plan in the entire industry. And the good News... It is $100% FREE to get access to the system, use it to build any business, plus earn one time as well as monthly recurring commissions.

What I Like

Efficiency and Affordability

What sets the Smart Desktop AI (SDAI) apart is its unmatched efficiency and affordability. The system delivers exceptional results without compromise. Initially priced at $187 per month—a fee that affiliates and marketers gladly paid—the price was reduced to a one-time payment of just $20. Remarkably, as of this writing, the Smart Desktop AI (SDAI) is now 100% free, making it accessible to anyone serious about using it to build their various businesses.

Uploading of Personal Leads:

The ability to upload personal leads and let the system email them is a highly attractive feature. This enables a more targeted outreach to an already established warm list of subscribers, significantly boosting conversion rates.

Multiple Campaigns:

With the Smart Desktop AI (SDAI) Marketing System, you can set up multiple campaigns. This means you can configure the system to promote several business opportunities simultaneously.

Handsfree Recruiting Automation

The SDAI is a "set it and forget it" business-building tool. It gathers data from various business databases, obtains leads, follows up with targeted email series tailored to specific niches, and recruits them into any business you are developing.

Income Opportunity:

If you don't currently have a business, you can leverage the Smart Desktop AI (SDAI) as your own enterprise. It offers unlimited income potential. The system's affiliate commission structure is exceptional and outlined as follows:

1. You will earn a one-time payment of $60 for each referral in the first month.

2. You will earn $15 monthly per referral on level 1.

3. You will earn $15 monthly per referral on level 2

Growth and Massive Expansion Potential

The Smart Desktop AI (SDAI) Marketing System is in its early stages, with foundational provisions already established in the back office to support future developments and growth. This is truly exciting, as the possibilities become limitless with the continuous advancement of AI technology

What I Dislike

While the Smart Desktop AI offers incredible value, it is still in its infancy with ongoing updates and improvements. Occasionally, this can lead to minor delays in service delivery. However, these growing pains are a positive sign, as they contribute to making the system more robust and efficient.

Final Verdict

The Smart Desktop AI Marketing System is a rare gem in today's market. Its ability to automate business growth and generate substantial income with minimal to no effort is unmatched. It is 100% free and you gain access to a system that not only promotes any business on autopilot but also provides a pathway to financial independence through its lucrative referral structure. If you're serious about maximizing your earning potential and leveraging AI-driven marketing tools that works 24/7, this opportunity is not to be missed.
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Mike G
76 Followers   2 Reviews
Last Update: 2024-07-31
My experience with the program so far

I've been using Smart Desktop AI for the past three weeks, and the results have been nothing short of amazing! This tool has significantly helped my business and boosted productivity.

What I Like

I like everything about this tool. You just set it and forget it. It does all the work for you, so you have time to work on other things or projects!

What I Dislike

There is nothing so far that I dislike about this AI Marketing Tool.

Final Verdict

I believe every marketer or entrepreneur needs Smart Desktop AI in their set of tools.

P. S. I will add updates to this review in 6 months, because this is a brand new tool, and they are said to add many more features!
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Scott Dubois
53 Followers   123 Reviews
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Last Update: 2024-08-03
My Experience with This Revolutionary Program

This Is Going Viral!

Imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon this incredibly lucrative system online. On July 29th, I was busy with my usual tasks when I received an email about a program with a $20 one-time fee. The potential seemed fantastic, so I decided to give it a shot.

From the email swipes I received through safelists, the system promised 300% commissions for each new sign-up. Essentially, you pay $20 once and earn $60 for every person you bring into the system. Intrigued, I watched a YouTube review and joined through the reviewer's link. As I clicked through to the payment page, I was shocked – it confirmed my payment without charging me a single cent!

I thought something must have gone wrong, and the person who referred me wouldn't get their commission. However, I quickly discovered that the $20 fee had been waived, and the program was now completely FREE to join. Even better, you still earn $60 for every referral, plus a recurring $15 monthly for each of those free referrals. And it gets even better: when your referrals bring in others, you earn another $15 monthly for each of their referrals!

Breaking It Down

If you bring in five referrals today, you'd get $300 instantly. Additionally, you'd earn $75 every month from those referrals. If those referrals each bring in one new person, that's another $75 monthly, doubling your earnings to $450 a month with minimal effort!

What Exactly is This System?

You might be wondering, what is this system? It's the next-gen AI marketing tool designed to be your ultimate virtual assistant. Picture hiring an employee who never calls in sick, never complains, and works tirelessly 24/7, 365 days a year without you paying them a dime.

What Does This Next-Gen Employee Do?

Generates 50 leads a day

Runs marketing campaigns

Closes sales for you with just a few clicks

Currently, the system is still in beta, which means it's not fully operational yet, and servers are a bit overwhelmed with new referrals. However, the developers are working hard to stabilize and scale up the system quickly.

My Personal Experience

So far, my experience has been nothing short of mind-blowing. The system has already generated 150 leads for me, continuously working around the clock. Every 24 hours, it gears up to fetch the next batch of 50 leads without missing a beat.

Why is it Free and How Do They Pay Affiliates?

Corey Price, one of the masterminds getting the word out there, explained that it's currently closing sales in the real estate sector, allowing them to pay affiliates generously. Plus, they have a major investor who pumped $1 million into the system, recognizing its brilliance and potential.

What I Like

Simplicity: The system is incredibly user-friendly.

Ease of obtaining leads and commissions: Generating leads and earning commissions has never been easier.

Support and Community: The system offers support via Telegram, live Zoom calls, and a community group for questions and interactions.

Reliability: This system acts like a full-time employee that never takes a break.

What I Dislike

Beta Phase: Being in beta means it's still under development. However, the team is making daily improvements. I am sort of a person who doesn't like beta phases because I love to jump in both feet and get started on the whole thing ESPECIALLY SOMETHING THIS EXCITING!

Final Verdict

This is a very, VERY lucrative offer you can't afford to miss. It's only free for a limited time, so act now to bring in referrals and earn $60 per free sign-up, plus recurring monthly income. I've never seen anything this big, this promising, and completely free to join and promote. I, for one, love this system already.

Don't hesitate – join now while the opportunity is fresh and the potential is limitless. This top-notch software is a game-changer in the AI marketing world.

For more insights, check out my YouTube channel @civicedge1991. One of my videos includes a resource page to help you promote Smart Desktop AI, with additional income streams. You can also email me at scott@civicedgeaffiliate.com for any questions.

Thanks for reading!
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Mohd Nizar Akob
220 Followers   4 Reviews
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Last Update: 2024-08-03
Introduction To SmartDesktop AI

SmartDesktop AI is the brainchild of one person who sees the need to utilize AI in managing small to mid-sized companies.

It leverages advanced AI technology to provide innovative solutions that streamline business operations, enhance productivity, and drive growth. It's offerings include AI-powered email marketing, customer support AI, and advanced analytics, all designed to simplify complex tasks and improve efficiency.

It was mentioned that the new investors would want the membership to grow to a million within 12 months so latest decision was to make the program free for everyone.

It creates some repercussions since the commission stays the same that is $60 per referral for the first month and then $15 recurring for the next month onward on 2 levels. The sustainability of the company with paying the commission become an issue with causes some to stay away from it thinking that it is "too good to be true"

However this has been explained by the developer on how this commission would be funded so that the company can sustain it's operation besides Google, Facebook, Twitter, they all start out with investment capital operating in the red and then later, through offering premium services, they keep expanding until they're in the black so this is nothing new.

As an AI emailing tool, one can expect their campaign to be analyzed, prospects identified, messages send, queries being replied and much more done in an automated way.

The Benefits Of Membership

Initially started at $187 per month in mid July 2024 the subscription was lowered to $20 one-time and latest decision as of end July 2024, the program becomes free to join.

All members will receive 50 leads a day for them to market their businesses. Considering these would cost $25 to $50 elsewhere, the offer is very attractive to many people.

The Challenges And Opportunities

As a new company, the project has many challenges and all these are being handled by not just developers but also few assigned leaders among the members.

The biggest issue is the dashboard was not readied initially thus causing member to not knowing the actual people who sign up with them beside no one can see how much commission are they making.

Among the step taken was to assign an Affiliate Director who can manage the affiliate side of the business. With 30 over years of experience, Mr Scott Merckel, truly fit nicely for the job.

Channel Of Communication

Subsequent products would be released one at a time to the market and SmartDesktop AI plan to create their own Market Offer section enlisting products needed by the market.

Two group of communication channels were formed for members to get news and updates from the company which are Telegram and Skool.
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