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phghub.net Review


Tags:  Marketing System
5/51 vote
Last update: 2024-09-21
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Jason Coleman
34 Followers   1 Review
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Last Update: 2024-09-21
My experience with the AI Telemarketing Bot called Sparky AI - the most exciting program in 2024 so far:

Does Sparky AI Bot really get me leads and close sales by phone for me?

Yes! It really does! and it's super exciting, in fact so exciting it kept me up all night when I discovered it, my mind RACING with the possibilities of all the various things I can promote using it and have it sell for me!

Why am I so excited? Well, we've all seen the explosion of AI tools in the past 2-3 years, and as marketers and sales people, we LOVE when a new tool comes out that makes it easier to get leads and sell them.

BUT, until now, there hasn't been an AI tool that can straight up call people on the phone, conversate with them, and CLOSE THEM FOR US, until now with Sparky AI at Prosperity Highway Global!

Imagine an AI BOT that can jump on the phone and close deals for you! That's what this Sparky AI bot does! Imagine an AI Bot that ALWAYS delivers the perfect pitch, ALWAYS knows what to say to overcome an objection, NEVER get's tired of selling, and can sell to thousands of people at the same time, by phone. It's polite, funny, and persuasive! It never gets cranky or upset over being rejected. It always stays calm and is "always closing".

This AI Bot really is a gamechanger!

What I Like

The best part of this system is that you DON'T have to pay per minute or per text or per call or per email, etc.like most AI tools out there right now. Just one flat monthly rate and it includes full unlimited Access!

Another great thing about this tool is that you can promote your OWN products and services with it as well, just by plugging in your affiliate link into your dashboard.

You get the first month free with a 50% off the setup fee, making it VERY AFFORDABLE to get started ASAP. Also for the first 30 days you get DOUBLE COMMISSIONS so it's very much worth it!

What I Dislike

One things that I am not 100% happy about is that you can only promote 2 of your own programs or opportunities at a time. It would be cool if this was unlimited, but hey, I get it, that would cost a fortune in ChatGPT fees so they have to limit it reasonably.

The 2nd thing I wish was different, is that it would be nice if I could use Sparky AI to sell my product or opportunity ONLY, not as a secondary afterthought to selling itself.

Final Verdict

All in all, this is a very impressive tool and on the phone it sounds amazing and does an amazing job closing sales!
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