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kinesis.money Review


Tags:  Finance
5/51 vote
Last update: 2024-01-16
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Carsten Mueller
38 Followers   5 Reviews
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Last Update: 2024-02-26
My experience with the program so far

My experience with Kinesis. Money so far is very good. A few years ago I joined a program that tried to establish Gold as a payment system. But both, seller and buyer had to be partners of that program. This is one point, where Kinesis. Money is different. If you join KM you get your own debit card, that instantly changes your Gold into Cash at the POS. No matter if the seller is a member of KM or not. This works becaus Kinesis. Money offers Gold and Silver not only in bars or coin, but also in crypto tokens. You can buy them with wire transfer or cryptocurrency as they offer a complete crypto wallet including an internal exchange. So, changing cash into into Gold and back is done in a matter of seconds. European customers even get their on IBAN with their name to ease up charging their crypto wallet.

What I Like

What I like is the easiness of joining an using the wallet. Signing up took only 5 minutes including verification. The idea of making Gold and Silver usable as a payment system is great and just what I was looking for in years. Why? Because the worth of fiat money decreases day by day. Gold and Silver are stable values. 1 ounce of Gold is 1 ounce of Gold and will always be 1 ounce of Gold. Next good thing: you get a yield for everything :) Pay with Gold: get yield. Safe Gold: get yield. Mint Gold: get yield. Refer others: guess what? ! Right, get yield! :)

What I Dislike

The only thing I dislike with Kinesis. Money is that the virtual debit card they offer is not accepted at some of the places I need to pay with it. But that's not a big deal. Using a meta card like Curve solves this issue.

Final Verdict

If you are interested in a side hustle besides your actual MLM project, It might be a good idea to join the Kinesis. Money program for free and earn a few extra bucks with your Firstliners. KM is not an MLM system so there's no need to build up a structure. I trust KM because they are online for several years and their exchange and yield distribution is very transparent. Many old-school banks should work like this to get a better reputation from the public.

To your success,
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