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ezhitzs.com Review


Tags:  Traffic Exchange
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Last update: 2024-08-31
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Kwabena El
226 Followers   7 Reviews
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Last Update: 2024-02-02
My experience with the program so far

One of the problems we all face is that we can't be every where at one time. Yet we need to get our ads out across the internet. And this is where we need to stop and pause for a moment. The more important factor is we need to get our ads in front of a very targeted audience! EZHits will do just that.

The system is very selective about who the traffic sources are due to their own specialties (Leadsleap is a part). Remember we are building a continuous, infinite stream of traffic. Constant clicking is not a part of this system. So if you want to reduce your surfing time and improve your conversion rates then this system is for you. It continues to make use of traffic exchanges, but with a different point of view.

You will become part of a team that builds traffic for the system and for yourself. On top of that you can take Your Pages and create your your own personal traffic hub. So this system works for the inexperienced as much as for the veteran marketers.

One of the beauties of this system is that it will scale itself. It is almost hands free. Just promote the multiple Pages that you can use on their rotator if so desired. Inside you will find very detailed instructions on how to set up each component. Once it is running and you understand what is happening you can go back and tweak your settings to suit your needs.

On the inside you will find Free Traffic, Paid Traffic, Viral Traffic, List Building, Banner Advertising, and ideas that you have never thought of. The kind of ideas that come with years of experience.

It took me a few months to see the real potential of this Perpetual Traffic Machine. It has taken what we all need to do with our traffic exchanges and other programs and amplified it.

What I Like

This Perpetual Traffic Machine is every thing that it claims to be and FREE to join and use. It may take some time to understand it. But it certainly works as claimed with the opportunity for passive cash flow.

What I Dislike

The only issue is the setup time. As marketers we need to realize that if "it's garbage in then it's garbage out".

Final Verdict

This program is well worth the time it takes to setup, understand, and tweak later on.
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Antony Ajowa
33 Followers   1 Review
Last Update: 2021-08-04
EZHITZS : Will You handle That Much Of Traffic?

As a digital marketer you should know that you can promote the best offer of the moment... Without traffic, it is worthless

For you who are just starting out but also for intermediate marketers, you do not have a large email list, the challenge is to find a source of traffic that provides a large amount of hits.

But not only... This source must also provide for quality and targeted website visitors.

On top of that, driving traffic requires that you spend a lot of time. And money. Clicking ads or surfing PTC websites.

Ezhitz proposes to solve all these problems and has creating a set and forget system removing all the hard work you have faced before.

What Is EZHITZ All About?

Ezhitzs is a system that connects up to 28 programs, that will drive traffic to your offers on autopilot.

This requires a little work but once installed you will see your referrer line grow, earn commissions (even more if at a certain stage you upgrade certain programs) and consequently make sales.

Personnaly I was so "excited" to find a system as this one that it only took me 4 hours to put it all together!

Who Is Brad Stephen, the creator of Ezhitzs?

Brad Stephen is an australian online marketer. He is at the origin of the creation of several systems whose philosophy remains the set and forget.

Among the systems he created and the most effective are: Viral Bannerz and Ezcrypto

I personnaly use them as a complementary system for Ezhitz alonside Ezadz which I will probablt do a review on also.

What can you expect about Ezhitz?

Ezhitz is absolutely free to join.

You will be shown how to connect up to 28 programs that will bring you unlimited traffic, referrals and generates sales to your offers.

Once you're set up Ezhitz will combine the strength of :

  • Traffic generators
  • Viral multipliers
  • Passive cashflow
  • And automation tools

This will bring you even more traffic than you have thought about!

Some users had generated 200k visits to their website the first week!

Everything inside has been thinking the way you can't make mistake and you understand everything you are doing.

It has also been designed with that set ad forget philosophy.

But I don't want to be misunderstood here : it requires work.

Don"t be fooled by some guru's : there's no magic push button

But here, you will learn a lot at the same time you create and run the system.

There is also every tools you need I mean:

  • tracking links,
  • promotion pages,
  • email swipes,
  • banners
  • Splash pages,
  • Promotion blog page like
  • Strategy page with your referral links...

Truly it's not one like of a kind regular downline builder. It is really much more, as it is really driving traffic like crazy!

With all the clicking and surfing I was used to. I've never really be able to drive much more than 1 thousand hits to my link in one week... With EzHitz, and I didn't force it, In one month I was able to drive 25,000 hits...

The best part of it is that it is 100% free and on a regular bases, it is updated directly inside the membership area so that you won't miss anything important.

Will it be a smart choice?

If you are sick and tired of clicking ads, surfing the same offers every time again and again, this might be a smart choice for you.

I just wanted to let you know that you won't believe me until you see the results Ezhitz is able to provide.

Just be aware that it will require from you a little work to set up the whole system, but once you re getting you're first results, it is almost unstoppable until you decide to.

I can tell you that it saved me lot of time and now I can serenly focus on what I like the most when it comes to promote my offers : creating funnels and copywriting instead of spending my time clicking on ads!

Price and Upsell

There is no upsell, it's a free "membership". You will at a certain stage have to spend a few bucks to speed up some programs, to leverage your system and your earnings.

You will register to program that definitely worth it in the internet marketing world. Maybe you will be set up quicker if you're already part of some programs inside. If it's the case, stop immediatly promote them as you will do it on autopilot with the help of Ezhitzs!

So. My final thought about Ezhitzs, you probably guess already, is that it is definitley not a waste of time and the most usefull tool I have ever encountered in my digital entrepreneur life!
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Martin Platt
72 Followers   1 Review
Last Update: 2023-06-13
My experience with the program so far

I had been thinking for some time that it could be possible to have traffic exchanges that feed one another, and generate a never ending stream of traffic.

Then I see ezhitzs.com, which in its second version does exactly that.

It is a complex setup of viral sites, traffic exchanges, it can be done completely free, or if you want it to really crank along, then you can upgrade some sites to give it a boost.

It promotes for you referrals to the many sites that it includes (like a downline builder) and it also promotes various money making offers, including the ability to have 3 links for your own offers.

What I Like

Traffic that generates itself.

The fact that it generate referrals without needing to do anything...

That it includes some sites that I had not used before, that have some interesting features to be used for other projects.

The setup is quite a big job to do, but there is a wizard that takes you step by step through the process, and brad, the owner replies quite quickly to help, if you need it.

This means if you have no clue how traffic exchanges or viral traffic works, this is a good way to get started, and be lead step by step through the process of setting them up.

What I Dislike

It's a bit complicated to set up, and I won't lie, it takes a bit of time to set up. The wizard does make it easier.

There were a couple of bugs in it when I completed it (they won't be there, since I reported them and they have been fixed now, so it's super schmick)

Final Verdict

I'm getting regular referrals in many of the connected sites, and I can see the traffic is increasing daily.

At this point I haven't made a sale, however, I can see this increasing results in exist projects I had in place that this also uses, so I'm very happy with my investment of time into this, and the results so far. I will update as I get more stats.
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Celestin Kanga
312 Followers   1 Review
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Last Update: 2022-01-14
My experience with the program so far

As far as I am concerned, this is maybe the most powerful targeted traffic system ever to be created.

What I Like

I like the absolute transparency of the creator and his team in guiding you on how to build a proper online business and how to work it as a business.

Only serious marketers are wanted into the system.

What I Dislike

Frankly I would not be able to tell, apart from the fact that it takes approximately two to three days to setup according to the availability of the marketer.

Final Verdict

It is my first time ever online to be building a list and seeing every single day in my inbox new signups.

I simply love it and I would advise anyone in search of traffic, who is willing to get traffic for life by working once to join.
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Orlando Lofton
97 Followers   1 Review
Last Update: 2023-06-10
My experience with the program so far

EzHitzs in my opinion is the best traffic generating system online for marketers who don't have a large advertising budget. The EzHitzs Traffic Machine consists of a collection of websites when used together generate a healthy supply of traffic that constantly flows to whatever offer or webpage you choose.

The websites are grouped into categories: Credit Generators, Traffic Exchanges, Email Marketing, Free & Paid Traffic, Perpetual Growth, Viral Programs and your Offers. You follow specific step by step instruction on how to set up each website. I completed the lengthy set-up process in a couple of days and can tell you it will take a good amount of effort to get it all done.

It's a lot of work, but once it set up, all the hard work is done. You get to reap the rewards from your hard work. You will start to seeing a continuous amount of daily opt-ins and day by day see your business grow, mostly on it's own. I'm very pleased with this program and have been steadily growing using the EzHitzs Traffic Machine. It's a tool any marketer can benefit from and see the same amount of success.

What I Like

It's very low-cost. You can actually run the whole system without spending a dime, although to fully benefit from the system some small investments will be necessary.

What I Dislike

It's a lot of work in the beginning. Some people simply may not make it through the initial set up. However with a little effort and determination and one can get it done with the easy step by step instructions given.

Final Verdict

In Conclusion, If you're in need of traffic you won't go wrong trying out the EzHitzs Traffic Machine. It's been working great for me and I'm sure it will for you as well.
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Chris Suckling
64 Followers   1 Review
Last Update: 2023-11-04
My experience with the program so far

This is now my go-to program for all my traffic needs. EzHitzs multiplies my efforts, so I can concentrate on generating new traffic, while my existing traffic is being recycled and multiplied.

This is traffic generation efficiency at it's best!

Free to start, and no upgrades or upsells required. There are paid options, but these are von traffic sites, so you need only need do these when you are good and ready. If at all! No financial pressures on you.

What I Like

  1. No budget required
  2. No social media required
  3. Set-and-forget - Work on it only when you have time
  4. Simple and duplicable - Anyone can do it
  5. Amazing results without spending hours clicking
  6. Direct the perpetual traffic to any business

What I Dislike

It takes a bit of time to set-up, but well worth the time, and doesn't need to be done in one sitting

Final Verdict

EzHitzs is a no-brainer. Truly a set-and-forget solution!
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Mikael Olofsson
141 Followers   7 Reviews
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Last Update: 2021-07-21
After spending a few hours setting this up and taking it for a test drive I can say this is a beast of a traffic machine!

Starts of slow but ramps up quite fast.

You sign up to a lot of different Traffic Exchanges, banner ad sites, and money-making sites and connect them together to make them all run on almost autopilot. It's a lot of work to set up but the guides you follow holds you by the hand so you can't fail.

In the beginning, you drive 80% of the traffic back to your referral link to make the "system" go faster and more autopilot.

After a few referrals, you can start sending more traffic to your offers. The system gets you referrals by itself through the ads you set up in the beginning, but if you do some manual labour in referring people the faster you can start sending traffic to your own links.

So if you got a few hours or a day to spare this is a must!

Its free to join and set up but they recommend a $5 investment in one of the money makers, wich you make back with your first referrals. They also recommend a few upgrades but they are not mandatory, just a boost to the system.

What I Like

The feeling when everything starts working after you spent hours setting it up is priceless!

And it's a great system to get you leads, opt-ins and sales for any offer. I got better results from this then from throwing $500 at solo ads.

You learn a lot about how different sites work. And about traffic in general.

The guide is written and laid out so anyone can do it.

What I Dislike

Time-consuming but worth the work!

Final Verdict

Everyone needs traffic and a system like this is a must.

It's worth the time it takes to get rolling, just think of the hours spent clicking on ads you have done in the past.

Can't recommend it enough!

(Btw I joined this site through the system)
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Alvaro Gutierrez
200 Followers   1 Review
Last Update: 2023-04-20
My experience with the program so far

Very good!

Let me explain briefly that almost 2 years ago, I joined the EzHitzs program (which is 100% FREE to join, by the way) and it took me 2 weeks to set up the whole system OUCH!

It was hard work back then Not for the faint-hearted!

However, once EzHitzs was set up, I started getting traffic to my offers pretty much on autopilot and very quickly too. Unfortunately, at the time, I was promoting a couple of offers that were not converting very well and turned out to be a disaster, however I was definitely getting eyeballs to my offers.

Sadly, I did not set up my pages to collect leads, which is what I am going to do, starting today. Only God knows how many leads I could have had in my mailing list, all with 100% free traffic.

Now, there are upgrades available as you work through the EzHitzs system, but they are absolutely NOT needed to make it work, however you can always upgrade at a later stage if you like, once you earn your money and decide to re-invest into the business.

Now here's what happened 2 years ago with EzHitzs.

The owner realized that it was far too complex to set up the whole system, despite how good it was, and many people were giving up in the process.

He then went onto work on it to make it easier to set up and even more powerful.

I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it has been worth the wait, and I am confident this will be a game changer in my primary business when it comes down to free traffic generation. Something I will share with my team members as it is very duplicable for any Network Marketer.

You may be asking yourself what does this EzHitzs system exactly does to get traffic?

Here it is as per the website (I could not explain it as well myself! ) :):

"EzHitzs is a collection of interconnected viral traffic systems, each designed to leverage and recycle every visitor multiple times, creating an ever-increasing flow of hands-free traffic, to ensure your traffic flow gets larger and more consistent over time"

I have not seen any system as powerful as this but in the name of transparency, I am getting set up again properly, BUT if it is half as good as it was last time, I'll be a happy boy :)

What I Like

The fact that it is free to get started! Ideal for those who cannot afford to spend an arm and a leg on paid traffic sources. As you start getting results, you can pay for upgrades to supercharge the system even more!

To be frank, I would almost like to keep this source secret to myself, ha ha, but I know I have to share the message with our fellow Marketers :)

What I Dislike

It can be a bit overwhelming as there is a lot of information (although everything is very well-structured in a step by step fashion).

It takes some to setting up EzHitzs which could still discourage some people (although it is now far easier to set up and will definitely not take you 2 weeks as it happened to me).

Final Verdict

5 Stars HIGHLY recommended EzHitzs. I suspect I will be getting far more leads with this free system than other paid sources I use, so it is a no-brainer to set some time apart, set it up and enjoy hands-free traffic for years to come.
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Paolo Angelini
92 Followers   5 Reviews
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Last Update: 2024-04-14
My experience with the program so far

My experience with the program has been truly remarkable. Joining Leadsleap and discovering Ezhitzs has opened up a world of opportunities for me. The system's ability to create a viral network of links and promotions across various traffic-generating sites has resulted in a significant increase in traffic for my business.

I was initially drawn to Ezhitzs by its genuine and spontaneous advertising, and the fact that it offered a completely free registration. The step-by-step guide provided by Ezhitzs has been invaluable in helping me navigate the setup process and understand how to create a perpetual traffic machine.

The configuration did take some time and effort, but it was well worth it. Once everything was set up, I started seeing the traffic flow in. Referrals started coming from the configured sites as well as my personal offers. It's truly exciting to witness the growth in traffic and registrations, and I'm confident that it will continue to increase over time.

What sets Ezhitzs apart is not only its effectiveness in generating traffic, but also its affordability. With the option to join paid traffic sites during configuration, I decided to give it a try. I signed up for three well-known traffic generation sites/systems, and the cost has been minimal compared to the returns I've been experiencing.

Overall, my experience with the program has been nothing short of exceptional. Ezhitzs.com has proven to be a reliable and effective system for driving traffic to my business. The support and assistance provided have been impeccable, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to maximize their online presence and success.

What I Like

What I like about the program can be summarized in a few key points. Firstly, the system's viral network is highly effective for driving traffic. Secondly, the comprehensive step-by-step guide ensures a smooth setup process. Thirdly, the program's affordability, including the option to join paid traffic sites, is a major advantage. Additionally, the top-notch support from Ezhitzs is commendable. Overall, I appreciate the program's effectiveness, user-friendly approach, affordability, and excellent support.

What I Dislike

What I dislike about the program is that after the configuration, the dashboard can be a bit complex to navigate. It requires some exploration to find the relevant points and understand how everything works.

Final Verdict

The program's viral network, step-by-step guide, free registration, and option to join paid traffic sites are impressive. Despite the time-consuming setup, the hands-free traffic generation and potential referrals make it worthwhile. Ezhitzs.com is a remarkable, cost-effective platform with excellent support.
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Mohd Nizar Akob
220 Followers   4 Reviews
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Last Update: 2024-03-04
My experience with the program so far

Ezhitzs version 1.0 was initially launched in early 2021 and then upgraded to version 2.0 in end April 2023. The set up process is much easier and the viral effect is 24 times better then the earlier one. I consider ezhitzs to be the best viral traffic generation system. Brad Stephen, the creator, has vast experience in traffic systems, programming and coding knowledge thus making this a powerful perpetual traffic machine for online marketers.

People will either spend too much money on getting traffic or spending too much time clicking for credits in free advertising world like safelist and traffic exchanges while viral traffic platform existed are just easy script that too dependent on building downlines. I was not successful in most of them.

EZHits on the other hand goes beyond downline building. It's ultimate goal is to generate ever increasing traffic without even clicking for credits. It helps marketers to spend more time on business growth activities

What I Like

Once set up is finalized and do extra "prime-up" of the system for few hours or some for few days then you are going to see this traffic machine starts to work for you in the background. No more surfing or much clicking to do except to allocate credits and check your income.

One great feature is internal networking where you can see your downlines set up progress and able to contact them for extra advice and help. I think this is powerful if one use it right.

There are also place to list 3 of you best programs into the system for extra traffic. Finally the support replied to my issues in 1-3 days.

What I Dislike

I cannot say it as my dislike rather it is a bit troublesome to do the set up. It took me about 7 days to finalize the whole set up. Moreover the initial result is quite slow and after a month I started seeing better result and I have feeling this will explode my traffic in the next 6 months onward.

Final Verdict

The habit of surfing for credits all day long need to be gradually reduced and stopped. EZHits truly shines in this and thus helps me to use the time for more productive matters.

After over 100 subscribers with 40 joined as my ezhitzs downlines within a month, I guess this is a good start and I cannot imagine the next six months or so. Some also joined as my downlines in various programs listed in ezhitzs.

After spending some days understanding the system, I believe Brad Stephen has created a powerful traffic monster which will help anyone generate leads for their business. So join today, be patience with set up and reap the long term reward of building your business online
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Ronnie Cotton
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Last Update: 2024-05-12
My experience with the program so far

My experience with the ezhitzs.com program so far has been pretty good. The presenter seems very knowledgeable about different traffic exchange websites and offers some useful tips for promoting affiliate links.

What I Like

The process introduces several free traffic websites I hadn't heard of before like Traffic Era, Traffic G, and Traffic Adbar. I appreciate learning about new platforms to potentially drive traffic to my affiliate links. The presenter also offers helpful background details on how each traffic exchange works.

What I Dislike

While the presenter emphasizes everything is free, some of the platforms seem to require you to upgrade from the basic free membership to really take full advantage of the features. So it's not completely free if you want access to certain tools. Also, the actual results from using these traffic sources is still TBD.

Final Verdict

Overall this seems like a solid introductory video on some lesser known traffic exchange websites. I plan to test out a few of the recommended platforms to see if they actually deliver decent traffic. But I'd want to do more research before investing in any paid upgrades on sites like Traffic Era. The jury's still out, but it was useful getting more visibility into these additional traffic options.
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Ronald Lentz
673 Followers   6 Reviews
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Last Update: 2024-06-04
Let me share with you my experience with EZHitzs system, one of the most advanced and intuitive traffic systems available. When they claim it's a set-and-forget system, they're speaking the truth. However, it's important to acknowledge the upfront effort required to build and optimize it. This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme; it's a strategic endeavor to establish and grow a robust network business.

During the initial phase, I devoted over two weeks to meticulously construct my system, ensuring every component was in place.

And the learning process continues, as I dive deeper into the intricacies of maximizing its potential.

What I Like:

But here's the exciting part: I began witnessing tangible results. Traffic started flowing in from the sites I collaborate with, like a well-oiled machine. The comprehensive features and algorithms within EZHitzs have proven their worth, driving targeted visitors to my business.

If you're someone who understands the importance of investing time and effort to forge a thriving network business for the long term, then EZHitzs is indeed the solution for you. It has become an invaluable asset in my arsenal, elevating my online presence and driving tangible growth.

What I Disliked:

Choosing EZHitzs proved to be the pinnacle of my business decision-making journey!

Being completely honest here, this has taken me far longer than I had anticipated lol. But thats mainly due to my adhd. There's no doubt that it takes a bit to understand how this system actually works, but once you really start to see what's going on here. You notice a couple things. First is that every successful person I've come across online sets out basically the same system but their own version. And secondly once you realize that you see that this system is by far superior than any other perpetual system out there. I plan to promote this every which way till Sunday. Thank you for such an amazing system.

Wow I have never seen such a useful and highly effective internet marketing system in all my years of experience online. The simple set-up instructions and dashboard that walks you through every step has made getting started and actually getting results really easy. Sure it is a lot of initial work getting set up I know this will be useful to me for years to come. Thanks, for your time.

Ronald Lentz
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Isabel Miranda
514 Followers   28 Reviews
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My Top Recommendations

Last Update: 2024-09-01
My experience with the program so far is great with this traffic generation system , I believe that the creator think in all aspects to create a real perpetual traffic machine.

What I Like is that it is free to join and really connect programs in a way that create automated traffic to our sites.

Other thing that I love is that the system includes my two favorite programs: Easy Commission Funnel and LeadsLeap.

What I Dislike is that I spent 4 weekends to complete the setup, but it was totally worth it, the idea is to never worry again about single use traffic credits.

So my final veredict is that this is the traffic system that I was looking to feed visitors to my main program. It is a real set and forget solution that allow me to focus on other aspect of my main business. Totally recommended.
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