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ezbanex.com Review


Tags:  Traffic
5/51 vote
Last update: 2024-09-02
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Daniel Duverge
818 Followers   18 Reviews
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My Top Recommendations

Last Update: 2024-09-02
Ez BanEx is a really great way for you to get your banners out to an ever growing community of websites that willingly display your banners.

It's 100% free to join to claim 5000 banner ad impressions linking to your website(s) of your choice.

With just a bit of effort, you can create a viral effect by adding the code they provide to your website or blog.

I have been using this for the past 2 months and have personally received close to 100 clicks on my banner ads and tens of thousands of impressions.

I'm getting level 2 and 3 referrals already which is pretty good for only 2 months.

This may not seem like much but the clicks are not incentivized so the traffic you get from this is of high quality!

What I really like about this program is they allow you to add your own affiliate ids for the programs they promote from within.

There is 6 levels of referrals so anyone who doesn't enter an id for a program but chooses to promote will be sending clicks to your URL(s) 6 levels deep.

They allow all different sizes of banners which is another great +.

Only negative thing I can say is that sometimes the site goes down because of too much traffic, however the admin is on top of it and allocates more server resources as needed.
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