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collectdirect.com Review


Tags:  Multilevel
5/51 vote
Last update: 2023-07-23
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Enrique Alberro
109 Followers   1 Review
Last Update: 2023-07-23
My first 53 days as a Collect Direct Independent Rep:

Today will mark my 53rd day since I decided to join Collect Direct, and I need to say that I joined the program from a Facebook Post from someone that I did not know at all. That's how intriguing the concept is for people, and even if my future sponsor barely replied with a few canned responses I clicked the link and decided to join.

The business is a real 1st in the network marketing space. Collect Direct is an MLM company that deals in collectibles, sports cards, beanie babies, cabbage patch kids, memorabilia, beer steins, comics, you name it...

Compared to the generic lotion-pills-potions network marketing company, I believe it is a refreshing change... Nobody is switching their shampoo no more, and definitely nobody will stop buying their vitamins from Amazon or GMC just because you have a fancy direct sales MLM company that promises "extra income". If they do, it is only for the money aspect and it all quickly turns into a recruiting game with no real customers, just distributors trying to recruit other distributors instead of retailing.

I said all of this because collectibles solve this paradigm, and allow members of Collect Direct to go straight to the actual marketplace where collectors are and bring back network marketing to what it is supposed to be, growing their organization by true retailing (sales of product) instead of a "make money" pitch.

Collectors are a very special kind of people and they will do crazy things (Google "Hugh Heffner son and pokemon OnlyFans") and pay outrageous prices to get the items they want and need for their collections, which is where Collect Direct comes in with their unique approach from eBay marketing to social media outreach.

What I Like

The uniqueness of the business. I know people say this but you have Never Seen a Company Like Collect Direct Before! I believe it will be comparable to joining Herbalife, Shaklee or Tupperware when they first started!

What I Dislike

Because it is a new concept, it could be a bit difficult to educate regular people on it as a business.

Final Verdict

If you are somehow attracted to, or want to know more about collectibles and how Collect Direct works, I recommend taking a deep look into it by clicking the link on this review. They are running an "early bird" pre-registration now which means people can lock in their spot for free in the company binary plan so there is nothing to lose to pre register with Collect Direct and if you decide to participate you could start at launch date with a sizeable team under you. Price is from $9.98 per year only.
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