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blogmarketingacademy.com Review


Tags:  Internet Marketing
5/51 vote
Last update: 2019-11-17
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Bettina Von Mutius
141 Followers   1 Review
Last Update: 2019-11-17
I joined the BlogMarketingAcademy a couple of days ago and I am really impressed with what they offer. Or should I say, what he offers.

David Risley is a great teacher and offers a lot of high value training.

Also the site is called Blog Marketing Academy it is not only for blog, it is professional training for building a real online business.

After the login you get on a clear dashboard, where you progress is tracked, so you continue where you left last time.

What I like

The Roadmap is really the best there. You don't need to jump around the courses to see whats there, you will be guided through the individual modules. The modules build on each other and you learn how to build a successful online business.

What I dislike

Ok, I just started. But at this point I don't like some of his exercises. Sometimes I got the feeling that he thinks that the exercise is a must and then came short with it.

Final verdict

I give this one 5 stars. Never learned so much from one site, especially if you cannot wait to continue to work on a site. It is a pretty good sign, right?

I highly recommend that everybody who is serious about online marketing takes a closer look to this site.

To your success

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