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thefunnelteam.com Review


Tags:  Marketing System
5/52 votes
Last update: 2023-09-23
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Phillip McCloud
190 Followers   1 Review
Last Update: 2023-05-01
My experience with the program so far

So far, my experience the Funnel Team has been very pleasurable, and profitable.

What I Like

What I like most is the live training and support provided 3 times weekly! The weekly pay (every Wednesday) is a big plus, in my book. Also, the team leaders are open and easily accessible to other members. On Jan. 3rd, 2023 they released a members only feature that allows you to literally run your complete business from you own smartphone. There was a lot of lead up to the release of this feature, and after using it myself, it is all it's cracked up to be, and more.

What I Dislike

I've been with The Funnel Team since early October, 2022 and can honestly say that I don't find anything to dislike.

Final Verdict

Anyone who wants to learn how to really make money online would benefit greatly from The Funnel Team. Not only will you learn a wealth of information and how-to''s, but you'll have the opportunity to earn a real income.
Is this review useful? 4
Christopher Kaminski
254 Followers   1 Review
View my top recommendations

My Top Recommendations

Last Update: 2022-12-31
One program I've noticed beginners having tremendous success with building a serious residual monthly income is offered by The Funnel Team.

The goal of the Funnel Team is to get you making $100,000 per year within one year. Even if you are just starting out and it's your first day online.

What they have put together for you to use truly amazing! It was created with the complete beginner in mind. It's one of the fastest and simplest systems you can step right into and start earning right away.

They have taken an opportunity that people want to join and built an irresistible, 100% complete marketing system for you to easily plug into.

Here is what they do for you:

  • Done-For-You sales funnels (Including Spanish) - It is a global opportunity in over 140 countries
  • Done-For-You email follow-up - They email your leads for you (every day)
  • Done-For-You member training - They train your new members so you don't have to
  • Easy step-by-step guidance from day 1 - Extremely simple and easy to follow directions with videos and PDFs on every lesson.

Basically, after becoming a member, all you have to do is send traffic to the system and then the system takes over from there. They even show you how you can generate traffic for free.

You only need a few people to join you If you can get more, that's great, and the faster your profits can grow, but just a few is all you need to start the system growing a serious monthly residual income for you.

Their simple system will not only reward you for your own small effort, but also from the efforts of other people. All from applying a profitable formula that works like a charm and creates profits consistently and repeatedly!

I still remember the excitement I experienced when I received that first email notifying me there was a "New user account in your organization" and it was put there by another member above me. That's when I knew I found an opportunity that actually works.

It's so much fun to watch as other people grow your monthly income!

I wouldn't want you miss out on this one.
Is this review useful? 4