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mcschallenge.com Review


Tags:  Internet Marketing
5/52 votes
Last update: 2024-03-08
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Sheldon M
28 Followers   1 Review
Last Update: 2023-01-14
My experience with the program so far

I'm sure that you have already heard about Millionaire Challenge System (also known as MCS), but I will give you a run down just in case.

This will be a short and detailed review you will find about MCS and you can decide for yourself if it's a good fit for you or not.

I'm going to try to keep this review as non-biased as I can, save all the hype and lay out all the facts for you, but I personally love this program and think it's a great business for anyone to start if you want to create a full time income online.

The Millionaire Challenge System (MCS) isn't for everyone, but it is one of the best business models I've seen that a complete beginner has 90% of the work setup for you.

With that being said, if you're looking for a business to get rich quick, this is not for you.

And you will probably struggle to make money online regardless of what program you choose.

What I Like

I've watched a lot of people produce phenomenal results with MCS, all of them put in the work, followed the system and treated it like a real business.

What Is MCS?

MCS stands for Millionaire Challenge System and is a training system that teaches you how to make money online and gives you your very own personal coach to work with and show you what to do.

Most businesses on the market just give you tons of training and then you're on your own to figure out everything for yourself.

MCS only allows you to digest a couple lessons of the system before you need to setup a call with your personal coach.

The coach helps answer any questions you may have, they create a business plan based on your individual situation and they teach you what you need to do in order to run a successful business.

What I Dislike

What Zach Crawford has created is an excellent system that will get people results if they follow it, but the sad reality is that most people won't even watch the free episode and or verify their email.

I'm usually not impressed with most of the companies out there or new business opportunities because most are filled with hype and over the top promises they can't deliver on.

Final Verdict

He really has put in the work to make things step by step and as straight forward as possible for people willing to put in the work.

The advantage to Zach's system is everything is done for you, you have a phone team ready to sell the products for you and you can leverage Zach's credibility and be positioned to make more money than you could yourself.

MCS will work for the people willing to put in the work, treat their business seriously and follow what Zach teaches.
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Gary Nugent
50 Followers   3 Reviews
Last Update: 2024-03-08
My experience with the program so far

I've bought many affiliate marketing courses over the years and most fall into three camps:

  • You don't get all the info you expect up front and are expected to pay additional upgrade fees to access more information
  • The course has been created by someone who had some success online and thinks they can teach you to be successful but little or no support is offered
  • The course creator is out for a fast buck, doesn't care about your success or failure or the course doesn't deliver on its promise.

If you're starting out in affiliate marketing or stuck in a rut you can't seem to escape (like I was), then all of the above will waste your time, energy and money.

When I seriously started looking for a quality coach/mentor, I looked for someone who could demonstrate a successful track record, someone who had become a self-made millionaire and someone who genuinely cared about the success of their students.

Those people are extremely rare in this business.

But I found my mentor back in 2019 and have been with him ever since.

He's rejigged his coaching program a couple of times since then and launched new training programs.

None of which I had to pay for.

I was automatically grandfathered into each new program.

He also has a philosophy of not offering upsells and not charging for upgrades - you pay once for everything and access to him.

He now offers a free group where he holds live calls sharing tips on how he makes millions yearly, shares case studies, and shows members the latest strategies he's using to make over $4,000,000 a year that he doesn't post anywhere else online.

The guy is forthright, honest and provides fantastic support and on the few occasions I've needed specific help, I've been able to reach out to him personally and have him reply within a day.

What I Like

  • The guy really knows what he's talking about and has honed his skills over 10 years of marketing online
  • He doesn't teach you how to sell just his products like some others do, but he provides the skills to sell anything, in any niche
  • He genuinely cares about his students rather than paying lip service to support
  • He constantly learns new skills and strategies from his own mentors and passes them on to his students
  • He's not driven by making money for its own sake but to use it as a tool to make other people's lives better

What I Dislike

  • From my perspective, nothing. As I said, he's been my mentor for 5 years now while others have come and gone.

Final Verdict

Since his insights, tips and case studies are free, you'd be passing up a fantastic resource if you didn't join his group.
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