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instantcryptomail.com Review


Tags:  Cryptocurrency , Safelist Mailer
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Last update: 2023-10-05

Words from the founder...

Rune Fjortoft
26488 Followers   2 Reviews
The background for creating InstantCryptoMail was that I wanted to make a program that could build a list of quality prospects. Whenever you want to promote something your biggest problem is usually getting your message out in front of the right people.

I wanted to solve that problem by creating a list that was focused on crypto and with only people that knew crypto, had a wallet and was willing and able to spend it.

The way the system works is that you join and lock in your position by paying USD 25 in BTC. Once you are in and paid, everyone that joins after you become part of your list. This means that no matter whether you sponsor or not there is actually no limit to how large your list can become. You get to mail everyone that joins after you once a week forever. The guarantee we have for the list consisting of only high quality members is that everyone on the list have paid USD 25 in BTC to be there. There are no tire kickers, free or piffed members on the list. We only want people with a crypto wallet that is able and willing to pay for themselves on the list.

InstantCryptoMail has also a very good compensation plan. A plan that makes it very lucrative to promote the program. The compensation structure consists of a narrow and deep forced matrix, the optimal structure for spillover. More specific, it is a 2x10 forced matrix. The USD 25 the new member pay for joining is split in USD 5 for admin, USD 5 for sponsor and USD 1.50 paid over 10 levels of downline.

This structure makes it possible for you to earn USD 3060 for every position you have without sponsoring anyone. If you sponsor the earnings are unlimited.

The goal of InstantCryptoMail is not to grow superfast, but use the time it takes to grow a list with only high quality people on board. Anyone can join and get a constantly growing list of quality prospects they can mail.

Rune Fjortoft Founder

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