Changes In SendSteed Broadcast Limit

We have made some changes to the broadcast limit in SendSteed.

Below is a summary of the changes being made.

Let me explain further on the change for Unverified Subscribers.

Unverified Subscribers can be contacts who have opted in but failed to click the verification link, or contacts that you have imported.

Previously, Pro Members can send up to 4 broadcasts to the Unverified Subscribers. If they read any of the emails, they will become a Verified Subscriber.

But that is not too intuitive.

Imagine you import some new contacts, but you have sent 4 broadcasts in the last 30 days to some other imported contacts. You are now stuck because the system forbids you from sending more emails.

In the revised system, every Unverified Subscriber will have their own 4-email limit.

In your SendSteed subscriber list now, you will see a ‘Sent’ count for every Unverified Subscriber. (See the example below.)

With the change, Pro Members can send unlimited number of broadcasts to Unverified Subscribers, but only those who have received less than 4 emails can receive the broadcast.

If you are a Pro Member, I strongly encourage you to set up a recurring broadcast and send a good downloadable freebie to Unverified Subscriber on a regular basis, such as every 4 days. This will help to boost the verification rate.

In case you wonder, why don’t we just allow unlimited broadcast to Unverified Subscribers? The reason is to protect the reputation of our mail server. If we allow unlimited broadcasts to unverified emails, it is as good (or as bad) as allowing sending of unsolicited emails. That will just get our mail server into trouble sooner or later.

For your info, our mail server is now having a delivery rate of 99.8%. To maintain this delivery rate, we have to watch it like a hawk.

5 thoughts to “Changes In SendSteed Broadcast Limit”

  1. Yes, I agree with this broadcast limit. This will protect us and Leadsleap for future repercussions.

    1. yes, with this new change it’s got cooler I work with digital marketing and with Content Creation and Translation and Etc. It’s a huge pleasure talking to you

  2. Hi Kenneth,

    This is great I can now offer my freebies to hope they re engage with me.

    Thank you

    Garry Tatnell

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